CR1 cover 070519 perfectTraces the development of the Christian church and illustrates the major influences which have shaped, moulded and divided it over the past 2000 years.


Pict 1 CR2 cover reduced 83 KBExplains the hidden mysteries of the Bible for which explanations have previously been unacceptable for today's enquiring minds.



CR3 Cover scanned 100519 0002Deals with proofs and prophecies concerning the signs of the coming of the Universal Christ and World Peace



Christianity Renewed Volume 4

 Volume 4 is very different from the other three volumes. It is set up as a dialogue with more than 70 illustrations and a minimum of text.  Its format of both brevity and clarity makes it very easy to read or share with other people as a flip-chart.  












According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus asked His apostles:   

"Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" (Mattt.16:16).  

The answer of Peter still rings through the centuries. "Thou

are the Christ (Messiah). the Son of the living God"

(Matt.16:17)   And Jesus said "flesh and blood has not revealed

(it) unto you but my Father which is in heaven" (Matt.16:17) .

This belief is the "rock" upon which is built Christianity.  

"Upon this rock I will built My Church" (Matt. 16:18). (King

James Bible)
Countless battles have been fought through the centuries around

these words. Council after council formulated and reformulated

dogma's to stop division in the church.

The purpose of this website is for Christians of all

denominations to free themselves of man-made dogmas which have

obscured the light of the Divine Christ, the Son of God.
In seeking the truth, we must free ourselves of all our

opinions and preconceived ideas.  We must give up our

prejudices.  The "scourge of exclusiveness" arising from  

Christian dogmatic
interpretations is the cause of conflict and war. One of the

aims of "Christianity Renewed" is that despite the present

fears  of Islam, there should be a growing conviction amongst

Christians, that in the light of Muhammad's place in world

history, our attitude towards Islam must be corrected.  Most

Christians  have no problem to see Isaiah, Jerimiah etc as

prophets but they refuse to accept Muhammad who all alone

raised a tribal community (polytheism) to a completely level,

that of a purified monotheism.  It was Muhammad the Prophet who

alone led the Muslims to pray to the "the one God" as through

him God had spoken to humanity.  Muslims received from Muhammad

the Holy Qur'an, a source of endless inspiration and courage

and strength for a new religious start, a start towards greater

truth and deeeper understanding, towards a breakthrough in the

revitalizing and renewal of traditional religion.

It is sad that Christians  (who regard Amos, Hosea,Isaiah and

Jerimiah etc as prophets) cannot accept Muhammad, the Prophet.  

(It is also sad that in Judaism Jesus is not yet recognised as

the Messiah (Hebrew) or the Christ).  This is a major cause of

conflict in the Middle East.  "If a religion is the cause of

conflict, it is better that it had not existed"   

To renew Christianity  there must be the growing conviction

that the three Abramaic religions: Judaism, Christianity and

Islam have the same foundation.

An open receptive logical reasoning mind is needed.

As Jesus, the Christ said:"Ask, and it shall be given you;

seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto

you:" (Matt. 7:7.)   Seeking for truth is a spiritual principle

at work in the physical realm that reflects the reality of the

spiritual realm.

T oillampforwebsitehe essential truth is that we must be lovers

of light no matter from what lamp it appears.  Attachment to

one lamp can prevent us from appreciating the light when it

shines in another lamp.

In Jesus time the Jews were too attached to the lamp of Moses

and they were unable to recognize His light in its new lamp, in


"For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he

wrote of me"(John, 5:46.)


When we consider life in all its aspects, we see that,

invariably, there is a need for an educator. If man is left

alone in the wilderness, he will take on the ways of the

animal.  If he is educated he can reach the greatest heights of

accomplishment.  Were it not for educators there would be no


Education is of three kinds: material, human and spiritual.
*Material education is concerned with the development of the

* Human education is about civilization and progress.
* Spiritual education consists in acquiring divine perfections.

This is true education, for by its aid the spiritual, the

higher nature of the human being is developed.

In order to progress, humanity needs an educator who has clear

authority as a material, human and spiritual educator. Humanity

has always been in need of such a perfect educator, one who can

help it organize matters related to the nourishment and health

of the body, inspire it to advance in knowledge, invention and

discovery, and, most importantly, breathe into it the real life

of the spirit. No ordinary human being can achieve these

formidable tasks. Only the Divine Educators have the power to

accomplish them. These are chosen Souls who are sent by God

from time to time to be the Universal Educators or

Manifestations of God.

The word "manifest" means to reveal, to bring forth something

that was not known before.  The Manifestations of God are those

special Beings Who reveal to humanity the Word and the Will of

God. When man listens to Them, we are responding to the Call of

God. You are fortunate to have been raised according to the

teachings sent by God to humanity some two thousand years ago

through His Manifestation, Christ, Whose station is that of the

Son of God.  Now you can receive the Teachings of a new

Manifestation for our time, Baha'u'llah, Whose title means the

Glory of God. Baha'u'llah's Teachings, then, are in perfect

harmony with the Teachings of Christ, but they address the

condition of humanity today.  Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah

is the Promised One of all Ages and the great spiritual

Educator of this age.

As you know, the traditions of almost every people include the

promise of a future when peace and harmony will be established

on earth and humankind will live in prosperity. (see web links)

Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i Faith did not abolish

the teachings of Jesus Christ.  He gave a fresh impulse to

them; explained and interpreted them; expanded and fulfilled



The three volumes Christianity Renewed outline the development  

of  Christian history as well as the link between Christianity

and the Baha'i Faith. A table of contents, free chapters, and

information how to purchase these books are available on the









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VOLUME 1: Chapter 1. Why are there so many denominations?/ Chapter 2. The birth of Christianity/ Chapter 3.Understanding the true meaning of the bible/ Chapter 4. Why are there so many religions in the world/ chapter 5. The Glad Tidings /chapter 6. The time of renewal.

VOLUME 2: 1: Jesus, the Son of God, 2:The Trinity - Drawing of Mirror & Sun, 3.: The Reality of Christ, 4: ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life..”, 5: Adam and Eve, 6: Original Sin, 7: Salvation, 8: Sacraments, 9: Miracles, 10:Heaven and Hell, 11: Devils and Angels, 12: Spiritual Meaning of the Resurrection, 12: The Ascension - not a journey into space

VOLUME 3: Chapter 1: Promise of world peace / Chapter 2: The time of the Second Coming/ Chapter 3: Christ's descent upon the clouds of heaven/ Chapter 4: Spiritual meaning of Return/ Chapter 5: Book of Revelation and 666/  Chapter 6: Distinguish between a true and false Prophet/  Chapter 7: The new name/ Chapter 8: How will we recognize the Messenger of God?/ Chapter 9: Life and sufferings of Bahá’u’lláh/ Chapter 10: God's Great Covenant/ Chapter 11:The time of the End/ Chapter 12: The Kingdom of God/

VOLUME 4:  ( There are 36 short chapters!)  1. Most important teaching of Christ is love ./ 2. Why are there so many divisions? / 3. His Divinity, His Sonship and human nature. / 4. His name is Jesus—His title is Christ/ 5. What is the foundation of Christianity? / 6. The lamp is Jesus, the light is Christ. / 7. Bahá’í Writings glorify Christ. / 8. The history of the Trinity / 9. Spiritual meaning of the Trinity/  10. Religion must be renewed from age to age/ 11. Progressive revelation in the Bible/  12. God’s Covenant through Abraham / 13. One God, many Messengers. / 14. Oneness of religion/ 15. Spiritual and social steps for mankind. / 16. The golden rule. / 17. The Bible, the Holy Book of God. / 18. Origins of Christianity. 19. Influences that shaped Christianity. / 20. The church fathers cause division. / 21. Original sin and salvation.  22. Adam and Eve. 23. What is the true meaning of baptism?  / 24. Spiritual meaning of “bread and wine”. 25. Spiritual meaning of miracles. / 26. The true meaning of salvation / 27. Satan means “obstacle”. / 28. The history of heaven and hell. / 29. Independent investigation of truth. 30. / How to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. / 31. Signs for the Return of Christ / 32. The time of the Return in 1844 / 33. The time prophesies. / 34.   Bahá’u’lláh—The Glory of God. / 35. The place of His Coming. / 36. The Mountain of God—Sign for Peace. 



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Due to their direct and simple (but profound) direct style, the “Christianity Renewed” series is ideal for teaching the large rural Christian population… It is very helpful for answering the doubts of Catholics. (Dr. Peter Khan, former member of Universal House of Justice)

Christianity Renewed’s excellent presentation explains how the original spiritual truths based on the words of Jesus Himself, under the weight of traditional authority crystallized into doctrines, until the true teachings of Jesus became clouded over by obscurantism, bigotry, narrow mindedness and prejudice.   David Hofman (former member of the Universal House of Justice)

CHRISTIANITY RENEWED MADE ME BAHA'I.....SERIOUSLY!!!! Great for people from  a Christian background. These books were the last TESTAMENT to my search.. being from a strong Protestant church background.  These books built BRIDGES FOR ME and LINKS between Christ and Baha'u'llah. 
I became drunk with happiness and love from the discovery of the TRUTH...THANK YOU BAHA'U'LLAH...Forever Thankful
  (Dr Taralina Gae'e-Atefi, Samoa)

I was a Lutheran pastor in Vanimo, Papua New Guinea. I studied Theology in Germany.  I tried to revive Christianity but failed.  It was a humbling experience.  I prayed to God: “Not my will but Your Will be done” .   Initially I opposed Baha’i Faith but Christianity Renewed opened my eyes, showing a new way to reconcile science and religion.  It was difficult for me to become a Baha’i as the Lutheran church gave me salary, house and car.  But I knew the Baha’i Faith was the truth.  I left the church, became a Baha’i and returned back to my small village.  No money, no job, no prospects.   I had to start again… but his time “armed with the Power of Thy name  nothing can ever hurt me, and with Thy love in my heart all the world’s afflictions can in no wise alarm  me” (Abe Bodick, Papua New Guinea) 

"Teaching the Faith in Solomon Islands is challenging. It was only after reading “Christianity Renewed” that we saw new ways to teach about Baha’u’llah in relation to Jesus.  These books were so simple, direct and comprehensive that everyone could understand them. We have a high rate of illiteracy (87%) across the nation, so having a text that is easy for people to understand is essential (Joyce and Don Boykin, former NSA members, Solomon islands)

I was a practising Catholic when I began reading Christianity Renewed resulting in my discovery of  an awakened spirituality offered by the Baha'i Faith.  The books helped explain  Divine truth of progressive revelation, love and service to humanity encouraged in each dispensation and the reality of our own eternal selves.  Even though I felt the truth of the Baha'i Cause resonated within, I still had many questions and loyalty of the heart for my Christian traditions. Through reading the books Christianity Renewed and discussing them, all of my questions were answered and more. I was enlightened and enkindled by the deep knowledge, exploration and explanation of the relationship between the two faiths in the books. (Mary-Kait Hunter, psychologist, Australia) 

I was a dedicated Christian before I became a Baha’i.  Christianity Renewed empowered me in my own spirituality that it was not a matter of cutting my loyalty to Christianity by enlisting as a Baha'i, but actually strengthening my admiration for Christ, the validity of Christianity and the timely renewal of its sublime message for mankind - peace, love and justice. (Debrani, A.B.M. Papua New Guinea)

I like Maxwell Alexander’s Christianity Renewed as it is a series of booklets that illumines a path through the jungle of different interpretations, which have splintered the Faith of Jesus into over 50,000 different denominations and sects.  Clearly and succinctly, the author brings to light the glorious news of the promised “Return”, illustrating his discussion with verbal and pictorial imagery.  (Dr Yvonne Ingrid Woźniak , Poland)

I found the books to be a comprehensive yet a simple treatment of a very profound Theme.  The Bahá'í Perspective on the Faith of Christ. I highly recommend them to: "promote a dialogue between Baha'is and Christians". David Takagi (Hawai)

The “Christianity Renewed” series has changed our lives. It has been a blessing that we can share this simple but profound understanding of the truth with others in over 20 countries over the past 30 years. (Co- author Helen Vloeberghs, Australia)

“Christianity Renewed” presents a modern understanding of Christianity for a world coalescing into a global society in which the followers of the world’s great religions are confronted by the exclusivist claims of each religious tradition. (John Walker, Australia)

Christianity Renewed has been an indispensable guide to my deeper understanding of Catholicism and the Baha’i faith. (Dale Emerson, Lawyer, Belgium)